Emergency Eye Care in Eagle Rock, Los Angeles

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Accidents Happen, Let Us Help

Eye injuries or trauma to the eye area can be stressful and frightening. Your eyesight is precious, and anything that might put it at risk needs to be dealt with immediately.

When an accident occurs, call our office right away. We will assess your situation and recommend next steps. We provide emergency care in office or you can call our main office line which is also a 24-hour emergency call line.

If our office is closed, you should proceed to your nearest hospital.

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Types of Eye Emergencies

Common eye emergencies we can treat include:

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Symptoms That Might Mean an Eye Emergency

While most eye emergencies involve noticeable symptoms or trauma, other eye emergencies are not as obvious. Any sudden changes to your vision should be considered an eye care emergency.

Sudden onset of any of the following symptoms may also indicate an emergency:

  • Burning or stinging
  • Pupils that differ in size
  • Bulging eyes
  • Severe eye pain
  • Double vision
  • Redness or itching
  • Bruising or bleeding
  • Severe itching
  • Sudden headache
  • Discharge from the eye
  • Eyes not moving together

Call our office immediately should you experience any of these issues.

DOs & DON’Ts

In the event of an eye emergency, here are some DOs and DON’Ts to guide you:


  • DO flush your eye with cold water in the event of chemical contact.
  • DO clean your hands before touching your eye.
  • DO lightly cover the eye without applying pressure.
  • DO seek immediate medical attention.
  • DO NOT use tools anywhere near the eye area.
  • DO NOT rub the eye or apply pressure of any kind.
  • DO NOT try to remove any large foreign objects.
  • DO NOT apply any medications, drops, or ointments.
  • DO NOT remove contact lenses (except in the case of a chemical splash).

Come Visit Us

Visit Us

You can find us on the corner of Colorado Boulevard and Shearin Avenue. Our team is looking forward to welcoming you at our front desk!

  • 2002 Colorado Blvd
  • Los Angeles, CA 90041

Our Hours

  • Monday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

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Our Blogs

How Safe Is It To Rinse Your Eyes With Tap Water?


Our eyes are among our body’s most essential and sensitive organs. They can be exposed to different irritants, such as dust, smoke, and allergens, which can cause discomfort, redness, and even infections. As a result, many people turn to rinsing their eyes but the question is: how safe is it to rinse your eyes with […]

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April 25, 2023
Eye.Q. Optometry

Your Eyes As A Window Into Your Whole-Body Health


Did you know that your eyes are often the first line of defense when it comes to detecting and treating many common systemic diseases and conditions? It’s true! Signs of conditions such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis can first begin to show up in the eyes. This makes a comprehensive eye exam at our Los […]

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March 19, 2023
Eye.Q. Optometry

Our eyes are among our body’s most essential and sensitive organs. They can be exposed to different irritants, such as dust, smoke, and allergens, which can cause discomfort, redness, and even infections. As a result, many people turn to rinsing their eyes but the question is: how safe is it to rinse your eyes with […]

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Did you know that your eyes are often the first line of defense when it comes to detecting and treating many common systemic diseases and conditions? It’s true! Signs of conditions such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis can first begin to show up in the eyes. This makes a comprehensive eye exam at our Los […]

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